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PA: Saffy


Thank you for visiting Mr. Patels website. He hopes you will find the information on this site useful, but please remember that it is provided for information and educational purposes only, and should not be considered as a substitute for the advice received during a physical examination by an ophthalmologist. It is not definitive, and his publication of it is not intended to create any legal relations with anyone. Mr. Patels is to aim to make the information as up to date and accurate as possible, but please be warned that it is always subject to change.

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Unless otherwise indicated, copyright of all contents of this web site is held by Mr. Patel without prior consent. All other products and companies referred to herein are trademarks of their respective companies or mark holders.

Wherein, Mr. Patel independently summarises and abstract any articles on subjects in ophthalmology from the major peer-reviewed medical publications, in all cases, they cite the original source of its material to the best of their knowledge only and are not responsible for any errors in this respect.